Thursday, November 13, 2008


Hello to you! Are you hungry for some knowledge?? Dying to know more about say, immunology? If so, you've come to the right place and even if you're not, it wouldn't harm you to read on and gain some extra useful information. People are pretty dumb nowadays. You can surely pick up some really chim terms here unless you're aleady a doctor or something along that line :D So anyway, as part of our Immunology Assignment at Ngee Ann Polytechnic, we, the FREAKS (not geeks) are here to share some immuno-related stuff with you. Serious business ahead...Do you know that you will die a horrible DEATH without a healthy working immune system? MUAHAHAHAHAH!! So please do check out our blog regularly! What's there to lose anyway!

P.S. Keep in mind that we are only human, FREAKS as a matter of fact so excuse us if we make mistakes :) MUACKS!

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