Saturday, November 22, 2008

Our immune system

Basically, an Immune System is a body system which helps fight off sickness. It is made up of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body.

White blood cells, also called leukocytes are referred to as germ-fighting cells. There are 2 basic types:

Phagocytes: Chew up invading germs

Lymphocytes: Allow the body to remember and recognize previous invaders

Leukocytes can be found in many places in your body. For instance, the spleen, an organ in your belly that filters bloody and helps fight infections, and the bone marrow, a thick and spongy jelly inside your bones.

When you have a sore throat, swollen "glands" can be seen on the sides of your neck. Those are actually lymph nodes, and they contain clusters of immune system cells. Lymph nodes are small and round and barely noticeable. However, when your immune system is at work, they appear to be swollen.

Lymph nodes are present beside your neck, behind your knees, in your armpits, and in your groin. They contain lymph, a clear fluid with leukocytes, and remove germs that could harm you.

Falling sick is inevitable. But, with such great system in our body, we get well again. However, not everyone has a perfect immune system. Some of you may have a problem with your immune system. One kind of problem will be allergies , whereby the immune system overreacts and mistake something harmless as something dangerous to the body.

We will touch on Allergies in our next post!

Check it out!!


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